Memes - these are edited photos on the internet of persons or situation where the conclusion is either face palm or a poker face because it was too stupid to start with. These are concepts which are bound to be spread all over the web.
Terms such as face palm and poker face grew because of the internet's pervasiveness. They are there to insult and make people realize. At some point, yes, it is fun to like and share these photos on social media sites. Let alone the website that started this all. Now that the campaign period for local candidates is in full swing, photos of them and most especially the senator aspirants have been subject to social media scrutiny because of the family names that they are carrying.
“I am her, the daughter or son of….” is the common tagline we hear in their television commercials, radio jingles and community meetings. They are lucky enough to bring their name of fame wherever and make a big deal out of it. No kidding, it is also a potential attention-grabber for campaign purposes. But I think there is more to be concerned of than just the name.
What really is the motive of these people who are using their parents' or relatives' names for the upcoming may 2013 midterm elections?
We could conclude that they are trying to keep political power within their hands, just like a dynasty. No wonder protest groups are pushing for a bill which abolishes political dynasties to give an opportunity to other leaders with capabilities but with no name to score big. But you couldn't ask a fish to bite the hand that feeds them. A majority of our policy makers come from a long line of politicians. But still that is not our concern.
Or maybe they are using it as a good marketing strategy. It has always an advertising rule of them to clearly retain names in minds of the consumers. That is why some advertisers repeat their name in a commercial two or three in a row. Again, we don't know.
Sometimes, it's not about the name.
We are looking for clear and concrete platforms that will take the Philippines to a higher level, where we will move from a developing country to a more progressive one. We want lawmakers who have the heart to serve and the passion for service. These are not the lawmakers who are too ill to even report for office. It is time for somebody fresh, full of vigor and vision for the country.
What we should care about in the candidate is their ability to answer to the country's problems and their stand on the issues the citizenry. We should ask them about their plans for poverty, the education system and inefficient offices in the civil service. We should not care about the road that is in perfect condition and their attempt to beautify it with the taxpayer's money. Nor their names plastered on billboards with their stale greetings of Easter, a happy summer and what have you.
As informed citizens we should look after the candidates' attempt to go against any COMELEC guidelines with their campaign material. And we would know for sure if they are worth our vote. Not just that, we should guard our integrity with our life. A single shade in your ballot is not worth a couple of hundreds.
While memes deem to be effective and fun in sorting out the best line-up for the 12 senators to be placed in position this year because of the name game, we must remember that there is always more to that.
**Published in The Freeman Newspaper on April 2, 2013
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