Monday, January 31, 2011

Oh, That Chair!

My best friend just had her 17th birthday last Friday at the classic "Lighthouse" restaurant. I was told by elders that this restaurant was relatively old but served quality food. Their specialties include seafood and Filipino cuisine. I loved the food, there was no doubt about that (yeey, baked scallops). What caught my and my company's attention was the extravagant sofa set by renowned Cebu-based designer Kenneth Coponbue. Most of the guests were skeptical about what we were talking about. We mentioned the designer and they were like, "Oh, that chair!". An opportunity is very expensive to let go of, so here we are with pictures!

Bestfriends (Celebrant at the right)

Celebrant's sister
My turn!

The celebrant

Kim and Pearl

Oh, That chair!

I may not be able to give you a very comprehensive entry as of now. The lady is busy coping up with school. Watch out for Miss UP Cebu though, and vote for Rejzl Awit!
Click like!!!


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