Sunday, November 20, 2011

Been around the world

I guess it's every woman's dream to go and travel the world. Maybe not just for women only. Our Asian History class even wanted to travel around Asia just to get a feel of what we will be talking about for the whole semester. Sadly, it seems just so impossible with this age (^^) and time. 

However, we have resorted to an option of going around the Philippines, or if not, then we'll settle for the least - taking a tour around Cebu City and it's different temples. I've been told there's a Tibetan temple uptown and I've been taking frequent visits to a Buddhist temple back when I was still a part of an orchestra. I don't find it bad at all. In fact, it'll be a great idea. Less hassle plus less expenditure. Yet, there is also one way of taking a "feel" being around Asia or for my case, the world. It's no other than the number one resort for the happy, depressed and mad - FOOD.

Yes, food! The actual things you eat and shove into your mouth can let you experience a flavor of a foreign land. Last Saturday, I was one of the privileged few who understood what it meant when the world flattened. With this, food became easier for everyone to share. Our common food isn't really ours.

UNITED STATES - Casa Verde's BIG BIG BIG burger and fries.

ITALY - Alberto's Pizza

PHILIPPINES - Budbud Kabog and Sikwate

MEXICO - Nachos and Salsa

CHINA - Pancit Canton

SINGAPORE - Nasi Goren

I've even been to Iran but I wasn't able to take a picture of the Dal Curry and Pita bread from Persian Palate. Point is, with the flattening of the world we have been exposed to another country's cuisine without even us noticing. Still thinking of traveling? I'll let my stomach do the journey. I'm game for restaurant hopping in my own homeland.


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