Sunday, January 9, 2011

From this Moment

After seven years of courtship and a blossoming relationship, both my student-teachers Ms. Leonicel Ducay and Mr. Jerome Caliguid finally tied the knot. Ms. Nice was our english ST and Mr. Jerome, Math. Me and two of my bestfriends found ourselves very close to this couple when we were having a hard time with Math four years ago. It also happened that one of us had an English tutor. That's how we come about to know them both. The rest is now history.

"I give my hand to you with all my heart. I can't wait to live my life with you, I can't wait to start"

Five in the morning and we we're all excited. The hotel room was busy packed with studio lights and cameras.  Five more hours later we were at the church with our tummies lurching. The place was filled with tears when the bride walked down the aisle, much more when they exchanged vows. Truly, the prize of true love is immense happiness.

I truly positive the both of them will live their lives as sweetly as they could in each others arm. From that moment on, they are now binded as one. Truly inspiring. :) 

Stay in love,



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