Sunday, January 23, 2011

Time to Go

I just finished a midterm exam yesterday on our Constitutional Law course and it was no joke. I felt like we were taking a "mini" bar exam. Ten questions, all essay, critical analysis. Our bodies hit critical too! Haha. That exam drained me up even until today. 


Given what happened yesterday, I don't have any interesting stories for the past days. I lived my life in a box with the law. Seriously. Not to despair, I have a cool program that I recently discovered which you might want to download to discipline yourself with the computer. I know how it feels to be so tempted to use that alt + tab shortcut when working in between papers. This might help.

Time to go
Its a freeware where you can program your desired time to stay online. Cool isn't it? Helps you fight that urge to open one new tab to a social networking site. 


I hope I could be of help!:)


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